Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ironman Training 2013!

I'm excited and a bit nervous to train for this Ironman using Crossfit Edurance!  18 weeks aways starting tomorrow and still working on base training.  I do plan on hiring a coach for extra guidance and especially expertise in running form with Valerie Hunt.  I'll also heavily depend on my CF coach(s) and extended CF family for more training support.

I began this Monday getting reaquainted with the bike and the water!  It wasn't too bad.  My running actually felt worse.  I have truly fallen in love with cross fitting so I'm excited to put my two loves together.  Triathlon and crossfit.  I have to admit….I haven't done a triathlon since I started crossfit.  I've  run some marathons and half marathon but that's it for any real endurance.  I plan to WOD 4-5 times a week.

I also plan to eat mostly Paleo…even during endurance bike rides.  I also plan on using 3Fuel.  More to come…..