Thursday, March 27, 2008

What a high.....

I had a great hour run this morning so it makes me wonder how long will it feel so great....I mean this IM training.

I've always liked Tom Petty and enjoy his songs, but when I heard "Learning To Fly" recently it just fit my life in relation to my training. So I wonder, how much longer can the fun last? Is this why people want to take on this challenge over and over again? I can't imagine keeping up this much training day after day forever, but I can see the addiction.

Wow, I must be on some runner's high. I'm off to the kid's school for some mid day Mommy duties then I'll head to the gym for some strength training and then maybe get a well deserved pedicure :) !

I also have my monthly girl's night.... dinner with friends and a mean game of bunco!!! I don't get to socialize with my friends as often these days so I'm looking forward to seeing my non IM friends.

Life is GOOD!!!

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